Virtual Credit Card For Verification Purposes


VCCMAROC Virtual Credit Card For Verification Purposes?

Virtual Bank Card Specifications:

Refillable: Yes
Validity: 5 years
Type: Visa & Mastercard
Supply Type: Debit Card/Credit Card
The top-up amount: to choose from in the options
Delivery terms:
Under normal conditions, you will receive your card details immediately once you have confirmed your order
in the following form:
The 16 numerical digits
Example: 456755780046****
Expiration date
Example: 05/22
And the CVC (Card Verification Code)
Example: 8**

The card contains only 2$ for verification Purposes
Please note! For security measures, we are sometimes obliged to verify the payments received by our customers. In this case, you will be sent your card details within 12 hours of placing the order.
For any question or remark, feel free to contact us, we will be at your entire disposal.
Thank you for choosing


Type de vérification

eBay (MA&FR), PayPal, Amazon, Facebook, YouCan, Google, Zik Analytics, AutoDS, Etsy, Other

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